Corporate Social Responsibility

We at Webtech Learning believe in giving back to the community and the society. Though our corporate social responsibility program, we try to address many social issues – thanks to the help offered by various non-government organizations (NGO) who are working in close association with us.

To reduce the suffering of others, we are working on prevalent social problems such as malnutrition, poor healthcare facilities, land, air and water pollution, poverty and child-trafficking.

“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” – Henry Ford

This world that we live in is overwhelmingly burdened with pain and suffering. A business’s success should never be judged by the money it makes or the number of times it is covered in newspapers, but by the number of people that it makes happy. Keeping this in mind, we have kept ourselves religiously devoted to helping others and spreading happiness in a world that is struggling to break the shackles of hatred and evil.

Spread happiness through kindness and compassion

Spreading happiness through kindness and compassion is the motto of our CSR initiative. Given below are a few CSR activities that we have been a part of in our journey so far.

Old Clothes Donation Winters

School fees & Bags for Poor children

Blankets distribution - Labour and Rickshawallas

Marriage Gift for an Orphan Girl

Diwali Candles/Diyas to Orphans

Fund Donation for Flood Relief

'Langer'(free meals) in Hospital

Health Checkups for school students

Sponsered Blood Donation Camp

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